CultureDale's Summer Brochure is Here!
June 26, 2024
CultureDale's Summer Brochure is Here!
June 26, 2024

We are now in the third month of Calderdale’s Year of Culture and already we’ve seen some fantastic events across the borough!

Our opening celebration in April brought music, dance, and art activities to four venues around Halifax. We all remember the tenacity of the Parkinson Lane School dancers powering on through the April showers, the vibrant Borough Market flash-mobs, or Skate it Yourself bringing the thrills of this now Olympic sport to Halifax in a safe, inclusive fashion.

May then saw Opal’s Comet take to Calderdale’s waterways, with an interactive stage performance accompanied by a live band on their journey across the canal from Walsden to Brighouse. This colourful, bustling barge spoke of our connection to the local environment, something incredibly important to Calderdale’s own heritage and represented in our sustainability and resilience goals driven by Vision 2024.

Our CultureDale team have many more collaborative, creative events to come this year, from a children’s craft summer roadshow to community-driven festivals and performances, like People’s Park and the innovative new Stage at the Lake in Shibden Park.

There is so much more to come from CultureDale, we hope you will be part of it, supporting our vibrant borough and inspiring all our communities to enjoy this special year for Calderdale!

See the FULL brochure HERE.