Here you can find information about CultureDale's existing partners and guidance on applying through the Partner Activities Form.

Our 11 Key Commissions will be working with CultureDale throughout 2024 to produce key works that engage with Calderdale's community, heritage, and creativity.
More information will be available on their projects very soon! Keep an eye on this space.
Pictured (left to right): Hebden Bridge Arts, Curious Motion, Happy Valley Pride, Hebden Bridge Film Festival, Handmade Productions, Northern Broadsides, Northern Rascals, IOU Theatre, Mr Wilson's Second Liners, Arvon, Everybody Arts (formerly Artworks).
As part of Calderdale's Year of Culture 2024, the CultureDale team would like to collect information on events and activities happening throughout Calderdale that we can partner with to promote - either regularly held programming or new events inaugurated as part of the Year of Culture.
Certain commitments will be required of you in order for us to provide promotion and support to your event or activity. These commitments are outlined in the form and guidance below.

Step 1: Read the Event Promotion Guidance
The Event Promotion Guidance Document contains an introduction to the commitments involved in becoming a partner.
We are excited to collaborate with local organisations to make CultureDale a memorable experience for everyone involved, but to ensure we promote your activities effectively, you must read these guidelines in full.
Download the Guidance here
Step 2: Fill out the Events and Activities Promotion form
After reading the Guidance Document, please fill out the below form with as much detailed information about your activity as possible. This will include accessibility information and uploading a relevant image and logo for promotional materials.
Disclaimer: this form will have a rolling quarterly deadline for the review of submissions. Please submit your activity at least 3 months in advance (or with as much notice as possible) otherwise we cannot guarantee against clashes with other events.
If you are holding more than one activity, please submit each on a separate form.
Please direct any questions to
Fill out the form here