Partner activities
6 Weeks of Summer Fun by Eureka!
July 20, 2024
September 1, 2024

The following has been sent to us from Eureka!:

Get ready for BRAND NEW show-hosts, plus Eureka! favourites, this school holidays...

The play experts at Team Eureka! have planned 44 days of performers, workshops and, well, FUN!

We will be bringing in talented Calderdale-based freelancers, as part of Calderdale’s Year of Culture 2024 (otherwise known as CultureDale).

Each week, our hosts will provide a variety of exciting themed activities just for you!

See an overview of these events below, and find out more on the Eureka! website.

Sat 20th – Mon 22nd July

Same Difference Arts presents Alice in Wonderland (includingBSL interpreted performances on Monday 22nd July)

Mon 22nd July

Relaxed SENDay for disabled visitors and their families to visit the museum

Tues 23rd – 20th Aug (Specific Dates)

Eureka! favourite, Showman Gacko, is back with his usual mix of all stringing, all dancing performances this Summer

Every Thursday 25th Jul – 29thAug

Prepare for weekly chemistry chaos with the blue haired Professor Pumpernickel and his explosive science shows

Fri 26th July

Learn about the rich artistic heritage of India through dancing, drumming and storytelling with Annapurna Indian Dance

Every Friday 26th Jul – 30thAug

Story Magic Theatre will be hosting puppet making workshops every Friday this Summer holidays

Weekend Dates 27th Jul – 25th Aug

C I Adventures will have some exciting archery and balance bike activities for all abilities to enjoy

Mondays 29th Jul – 26th Aug

Tap into the power of repetition and join a playful exploration of rhythm with our Drum Machine workshops

Sat 3rd Aug – Sun 1st Sep (Specific Dates)

Get ready for a wheely good time with high-energy, high-impact, wacky and wonderful circus act… The Wheelnuts!

Sat 31st August

We are the final stop on the family-friendly CultureDale roadshow this Summer with our day-long outdoor Tinker, Make, Create Festival event

Learn moreBook Now