With Charlie Rhodes at The Space, Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Saturday 11 May 2.30-4.30pm, Age 18+
Come along and engage in some fun and engaging community singing. At the end of the session, you can also find out about being part of our The Man Who Planted Trees production, on stage as part of the community chorus.
This singing session for those aged 18+, led by Musical Director Charlie Rhodes, will include singing games, rounds and simple harmony work, as well as an introduction to the story. Keen singers welcome, no prior stage experience is necessary.
At the end of the taster session you can find out more about being in the small community chorus for The Man Who Planted Trees and express your interest. Please note The Man Who Planted Trees is a professional production. The community chorus is a volunteer opportunity but travel expenses will be paid, and refreshments provided. This workshop is ticketed, and donations at time of booking requested on a pay what you can afford basis.
Learn more via Hebden Bridge Arts' Ticketsource below.